Webinar with Dr. Rose Sherman. Develop a Coaching Mindset to Improve Millennial Nurse Retention.
When: Thursday October 18, 2pm-3pmET. Catalyst Learning will send you a link, look for a calendar invite from our Office Manager, Claire Ballard.
About the webinar
What nurses expect from their leaders is changing. Gone are the days of command control leadership when staff were expected to be grateful because they had a job. Today’s nurses, especially the Millennial workforce, want their leaders to be coaches who will help them to learn and grow as professionals.
Current research indicates that staff highly value managers who adopt a coaching style of managing performance. When nurses don’t receive the coaching and feedback they desire, they may be more likely to leave, as evidenced by high nursing turnover in many healthcare organizations. For many leaders this new expectation by staff nurses requires a change in leadership style. Create a competitive edge by learning why a coaching style is important in today’s world and secrets of great coaching leaders.