You Opened the Door...

And Inspired
Them to Soar!

30th Anniversary
School at Work®
Recognition Celebration
Contributions open
May – June 2023


Join us in celebrating the remarkable achievements of School at Work® and ECHO® graduates who have committed to achieving their dreams! We also invite you to celebrate your organization's invaluable support and opportunities provided for employees. As we commemorate the 20th anniversary of SAW® and Catalyst Learning's 30th anniversary, we look forward to recognizing:

*Organizations who have made a significant commitment to their front-line workforce. These outstanding health systems have provided life-changing opportunities and upward mobility for their entry and mid-level employees.

*Graduates of School at Work and ECHO who have progressed in their healthcare careers or continued their education. We are excited to reconnect with these amazing individuals and learn how the School at Work or ECHO experience impacted their career and life.

There are several ways to participate:

Host a Graduate Reunion.

Host a Graduate Reunion.

We hope Coaches will have fun gathering alumni, sharing the joys of past activities, and touting present successes. A stipend is available for up to 50 hospitals to reunite their grads, share memories, snap a photo, and celebrate individual and team success via a fun filled gathering. If interested, CLC will provide your organization with a writer to capture success stories in an article for your newsletter. Learn more and apply for the reunion stipend.

Nominate successful graduates.

Nominate successful graduates.

We invite you to share the names and remarkable successes of your graduates who have achieved or surpassed their career and education goals. By connecting with these graduates, we aim to learn more about their inspiring stories in order to share their achievements with health systems nationwide through our website and newsletter. Nominate a graduate.

Scholarships and Foundation Contributions

Scholarships and Foundation Contributions

To honor graduates and their employers, Catalyst Learning will award up to $10,000 in scholarships and foundation contributions, distributed in $500-$1000 increments. Learn more and apply.
Cash awards will go to:

  • SAW® and ECHO® graduates who need scholarship support.
  • Health system foundations of our customers who have demonstrated exceptional sustained success in advancing employees from entry to mid-level roles.