ECHO® - provides education and career planning for mid-level employees

ECHO provides education and career planning for mid-level employees.

ECHO, which stands for “Expanding your Career and Healthcare Opportunities,” is a comprehensive education and career-planning system for mid-level workers typically employed in allied health tech and administrative roles.

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Prepare and connect mid-level associates to in-demand, higher-level roles

Employees who participate in ECHO want to advance but are unsure of the best direction. ECHO is designed to give employers a way to nurture the clinical, administrative and leadership potential that already exists within your organization.

ECHO will:

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Giving employees the opportunity to gain skills that enhance your organization.

The ECHO educational curriculum includes medical terminology, critical thinking and problem solving. It also provides employees with ownership for the HCAHPS rating.

Your employees gain skills necessary to improve in their current position, develop a personalized career plan, seek technical school or job advancement – and build the confidence to reach even further in their career.

succeed in Echo

Module 1: How to Succeed in ECHO

  • Use ECHO to make you a more valued employee
  • Apply ECHO strategies to help you establish a career plan
  • Assess your current knowledge level

Career and Learning

A Bridge to Career and Higher Education

The Career and Learning Plan (CLP) is a four-step career exploration process rich with resources to help employees learn about themselves and opportunities available within your organization. It is accessed on-line at the CLP Center portal.

Students explore their interests, strengths, values, and experience.

Customized career interest survey

Investigate Jobs database and videos

Local School Search This enables students to identify local options for obtaining that next diploma, certification or degree.

Prepare S.M.A.R.T. Goals - Students define S.M.A.R.T. Goals that will bring their career plan to fruition.

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ECHO Delivery Models

ECHO combines proven adult-learning principles with a Blended Learning Model that caters to the unique challenges adult students face. The result? Outstanding completion rates.

The ECHO content delivery model:


Customer Stories

AtlantiCare Invests In All 5,700 Employees To Support Its Mission

Located in southern New Jersey, AtlantiCare is an organization that considers every employee at every level of the organization to be an important part of achieving the goal of helping patients.

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‘Talent Garden’ at University Health System of San Antonio

University Health System’s (UHS) focus on its front line employees is delivering outstanding outcomes that it’s Talent Development strategy has been designed to deliver. With an 81% student/employee job advancement rate for a group of

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