School at Work® - entry-level Employee Development

Improve entry-level employees daily communications with staff and patients. Empower them to identify a career for life with your organization.

School at Work (SAW®) is recognized across the US as the model for education and career development of entry-level healthcare associates. SAW sharpens core education and skills that optimize performance in a healthcare setting. Employees also complete a career plan that helps them chart their next steps with your organization.

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Why human resource and education leaders choose SAW

Since 2002, more than 22,000 grads across over 500 US hospitals have been impacted by the School at Work experience.

Hospital leaders know that every associate impacts the patient experience. Entry-level employees are regularly in and out of patients’ rooms and have frequent interaction with patients and families. Essential workers have been lauded for loyalty and bravery during the pandemic and are often ethnically diverse.

School at Work (SAW) is a comprehensive education and career-planning system for a health system’s lowest-paid employees. Its goal is to help these individuals move from low wage jobs to middle-skill careers with family-sustaining wages. Hospitals that strive to be destination employers use SAW to develop the confidence, professional skills, loyalty and upward mobility of entry-level associates.

Nurse and patient


School at Work focuses developing essential communication skills and personalized career plans

The School at Work educational curriculum is a rapid review of the essential skills of communication, grammar, reading and writing. It also provides employees with ownership for the HCAHPS rating and introduces them to medical terminology.

Your employees will gain skills to improve in their current position, develop a personalized career plan, seek technical school or job advancement – and build their confidence to realize a healthcare career.

Module 1 & 2: Life Management Skills

Learning Objectives

  • Work with a variety of goal-setting techniques to obtain targeted work and personal results
  • Put time management techniques into action to realize more control over your work and personal life
  • Learn to identify causes of stress and explore stress management strategies

Career and Learning

A Bridge to Career and Higher Education

The Career and Learning Plan (CLP) is a four-step career exploration process rich with resources to help employees learn about themselves and opportunities available within your organization. It is accessed on-line at the CLP Center portal.

Students explore their interests, strengths, values, and experience.

Customized career interest survey

Investigate Jobs database and videos

Local School Search This enables students to identify local options for obtaining that next diploma, certification or degree.

Prepare S.M.A.R.T. Goals - Students define S.M.A.R.T. Goals that will bring their career plan to fruition.

delivery driver

School at Work Delivery Models

SAW combines proven adult-learning principles with a Blended Learning Model that caters to the unique challenges adult students face. The result? Outstanding completion rates.

The SAW content delivery model:

Incorporates a blended-learning model with:

house cleaning

Customer Stories

Geisinger building

Geisinger (PA) Builds Career Pipelines for Individual Contributors

Geisinger is a regional care provider in 45 Pennsylvania counties, spanning central and northeastern PA. More than 1 million patients are cared for at the health system’s 9 hospitals and numerous clinics and outpatient facilities.

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Cincinnati Children building

Cincinnati Children’s Commitment to Diversity & Inclusion through Frontline Employee Career Development

Cincinnati Children’s Hospital and Medical Center (CCHMC) is recognized by U.S. News and World Report as one of the best children’s hospitals in the U.S. It is nationally ranked in 10 pediatric specialties.

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