2020-21. As our customers fought the COVID-19 pandemic, the CLC team supported them by developing virtual instructor-led NCharge®: Nurses Learning to Lead courses and creating Huddle Guides for challenging situations.

2024-25. Nurses placed into the Charge RN role with minimal bedside experience elevating the need for leadership and communications skills. NCharge® Courses are updated to reflect post-pandemic concerns including staffing shortages, mental health challenges, increased patient acuity, and the integration of new technologies in healthcare settings.

2015-2019. Customers’ desire for additional flexible formats for entry and mid-level individual contributors leads to introductions of ECHO, CareerCare, CAPS, and CLiMB.

2013-2018. Collaboration with long-time customer HCA to help frontline (charge) nurse leadership skills and strengthen succession pipeline. Rollout led to introduction of HCA’s national Charge Nurse Leadership (now Nurse Leader) Certificate, with tens of thousands of nurses building their leadership skills.

2010. Affordable Care Act signed into law igniting transformational changes in healthcare. School at Work 2.0 rolled out to align with patient centered care focus, amplify career planning, and leverage new online technologies.


2003. Rebranding from Hospitality TV to Catalyst Learning Company reflects industry shift, technology changes and broader positioning.

2007-2009.Nationwide expansion of Catalyst Learning’s hospital customer base driven by employer interest in entry-level employee development and School at Work®.

2002-2005. U.S. DoL grant funds healthcare-specific, employer-centered School at Work® model, enabling scalability from KY to 13 states and 68 hospitals. Post grant, SAW is self-sustaining based on employer direct purchases.


1993. Founded by Lynn Fischer and her father George. Originally called Hospitality TV, the Company builds on Lynn’s career in satellite communications and a family business, SerVend International. Educational content was delivered via satellite to clients such as Outback Steakhouse, Olive Garden, Marriott Hotels and the National Restaurant Association.

1998-2000. Original School at Work® model tested through partnership with Jefferson Community & Technical College and KY Adult Education. Success in satellite-tv delivered trials demonstrates that with employer support, distance learning produces solid outcomes addressing the unique challenges of employees in lower-wage roles.
